Category: Technology

Update 01

Update 01

Hi, Wow has it already been 8 weeks since that last post oeps haha. So let’s get into what has happened 🚀.


Since the last update a logo has been designed, which you can find here:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is TAPERIX-LOGO-A2-1024x1024.png


The product is growing nicely to what I hope to become an early alpha soon, no predictions though because those are apparently not that realistic. Some of the features that have been built include:

  • Video uploading
  • Video watching
  • User statistics
  • Payments
  • Playlists
  • Groups
  • Semi interactive videos

So let’s go through these one for one and let me show you why they will be beneficial for you!

Video uploading

As an online video/live stream learning platform our alpha will only include on demand video. To make this possible a teacher has to be able to upload their videos to the platform. This now works for most mp4 videos!

Video watching

Users can now watch videos on demand that have been uploaded by other users. This fully works and even takes your bandwidth in to consideration.

User statistics

As an teacher you want to of course see if your students are paying attention to your videos and if they are even watching them. This is now possible through the actions page which shows you all the actions a student has taken or has not taken during the video playing.


Taperix will work on a subscription type basis with multiple tiers that you as an organisation can choose for. The payments and invoices will all be handled by the Taperix platform and you will be able to change your subscription at any point.


Have content that should be grouped together? Videos that work on knowledge given by other videos? Add them to an playlists and share them with groups. Mediately see how your students are working through the videos and who is lacking behind. So you can help those students that need it the most.


Group students together to see how they are performing and follow their progress. Get an overview of which groups are doing the best and which ones need that little boost.

And then the interactive videos

Yeah the most exiting part, immediately have an overview of your students and how they are understanding the content you’re outputting. Include remarks, quizes, open-ended questions and much more in to the content that students watch the most. You no longer have to guess how your students are grasping your informational videos.

Starting/building/learning Taperix

Well hi! As this is the first post on this Website, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Lars, I am 21 years old and I am starting my first company or atleast giving it a go! I am a Software Engineering student in The Netherlands in his second year. If you have any questions about me, you can dm me on twitter @larswiegers.

So … Taperix, what is it and why should you be reading about it. The idea right now is that Taperix is an E-learning platform for teachers and students to use when teaching in person is difficult. At the time of writing (16/04/2020) the corona virus (covid-19) is going around the world and ravanging through countries. This has put a huge strain on the educational part of our society. Through the use of gamification and usefull tools for students and teachers Taperix hopes to help them.

Taperix will allow teachers to livestream and make their sessions downloadable, make video a first world learning tool for both teachers and students. Create enviroments where students can work together and create amazing products and more!

Hopefully in the next 2 weeks an alpha version will be available wich you can visit and try out! Ill create a post when this is available!

Thx for reading and hopefully you will stay around!