Month: April 2020

Starting/building/learning Taperix

Well hi! As this is the first post on this Website, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Lars, I am 21 years old and I am starting my first company or atleast giving it a go! I am a Software Engineering student in The Netherlands in his second year. If you have any questions about me, you can dm me on twitter @larswiegers.

So … Taperix, what is it and why should you be reading about it. The idea right now is that Taperix is an E-learning platform for teachers and students to use when teaching in person is difficult. At the time of writing (16/04/2020) the corona virus (covid-19) is going around the world and ravanging through countries. This has put a huge strain on the educational part of our society. Through the use of gamification and usefull tools for students and teachers Taperix hopes to help them.

Taperix will allow teachers to livestream and make their sessions downloadable, make video a first world learning tool for both teachers and students. Create enviroments where students can work together and create amazing products and more!

Hopefully in the next 2 weeks an alpha version will be available wich you can visit and try out! Ill create a post when this is available!

Thx for reading and hopefully you will stay around!